How to Send data

Sending data is very simple.  A key points..  Try to set large packets of data like 1460 Bytes to improve throughput.   Send and receiving the data The eS-WiFi module is very simple.  Here are the basic steps using the AT commands:

  • C1=SSIDs3
  • C2= Password
  • C3=4
  • C0
  • P1= 0
  • P3=
  • P4= 8001
  • P6=1
  • S1= 10
  • S0\r0123456789
  • Optionally you can use S3
  • S3=10\r0123456789


Command formats

S0/S3 Format
Command Delimiter Payload
S0 \r Binary Data
(1-1460 bytes)
S3 =X\r Binary Data
X=Number of Bytes


Command Formats
Command Delimiter Payload Delimeter
2 Char CMD = Req Data \r
2 Char CMD = F1,F2,F3 \r
2 Char CMD \r


Response Formats
Delimeter Payload Delimeter Return Delimeter Prompt
\r\n Data \r\n OK \r\n >sp
\r\n Error Type \r\n Usage \r\n >sp

 \r= carriage return \n= new line \sp = space F1,F2,F3 refer to different data fields

2015-07-02T19:43:08+00:00 2018-06-07T00:04:47+00:00