TCP Server Multi Accept Demo

PC based Python Script to demo how to use the TCP/UDP server Multi Accept demo over an UART using the IWIN  AT Commands.

1. Set useSoftAP to 1 to use the SoftAP or 0 to configure manually to Join the local Network.

2. Set the Protocol and Remote IP address (see Setup and Start TCP Client section)

3.  Determine if your server will echo back what it has been sent?
We recommend the serial port terminal program called Hercules , the TCP and UDP servers can be set to echo back what they receive  Set serverEcho to 1 if echoing, O if not.
For the highest throughput please when using Hercules right click in the “Receive data” and select “Hide Receive Data”

4.  Plug in a EVK board (Please note will have needed to install drivers for the board using the eS-WiFi Demo software)

5.  Run the script


eS-WiFi Server Multi Accept Python Demo

Portable Python

Hercules SETUP Utility

Windows PC eS-WiFi Demo software

2017-09-18T17:57:35+00:00 2018-06-07T00:20:29+00:00