Does eS-WiFi UART have RS-232 Transceiver?

No, the module uses 3.3 volt logic.

Can the es-Wifi be configured as a Client, Access Point or Webserver with the AT Commands?

Yes, all of the above.

What interfaces do the eS-WiFi modules support?

You can use AT Commands over the UART, SPI or USB HID interface to send commands and send/receive data.

Is the eS-WiFi module’s SPI interface slave or master?

The eS-WiFi SPI interface is a slave.

Do the eS-WiFi L44 modules support SPI mode? What pins should I use to connect SPI?

Yes, the eS-WiFi modules support SPI. The correct pins to use for the host I/O are the ADC1-ADC4 pins. SPI_SCK=ADC2=Pin11 SPI_MISO=ADC3=Pin10 SPI_MOSI=ADC4=Pin9 SPI_NSS=ADC1=Pin12

Which drivers do you support for the ISM4319 SIP?

Linux, Android and WinCE drivers are available.

How am I informed of firmware updates to the eS-WiFi module?

All customers that register the eS-WIFI evaluation kits are automatically put on distribution for all firmware releases relative to the product purchased. If you would like additional people added to the update, simply register the user in the “contact us” … Continue reading “How am I informed of firmware updates to the eS-WiFi module?”

Do you need a SLA to purchase the eS-WiFi modules?

Yes, we have a royalty free object code SLA agreement.

Can an external antenna be interfaced to eS-Wifi modules?

Yes. We supply certain modules with U.FL connectors. We use a “-U” at the end of the part number to designate those with the U.FL connector. The ISM4319-M3-L44-U and ISM43362-M3G-L44-U have U.FL connectors and our antenna, part number w24-SSMA-M  has been FCC and … Continue reading “Can an external antenna be interfaced to eS-Wifi modules?”

Do you provide PPP based interface?

Not at this time.