The ISM4343-WBM-L151 is an embedded 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2 combo module. The module hardware consists of the Cypress CYW4343 radio and ST Micro STM32F412 Cortex MCU. The Wi-Fi module requires no operating system and has an integrated TCP/IP stack that only requires a simple AT command or the Cypress WICED SDK set to establish connectivity for your wireless product.
The module has a very small 10 mm x 10 mm surface mount footprint and has FCC and CE module certification.
This product is targeted for low cost embedded wireless applications and enables a quick, easy and cost effective method adding Wi-Fi connectivity to your platforms. A summary of the key module features:
WLAN, Bluetooth & MCU functions:
Single-band 2.4 GHz b/g/n, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (single stream)
STM32 ARM 32-bit CortexTM-M4 with a frequency up to 100 MHz.
1 Mbyte of MCU internal Flash,256KB of SRAM
SPI, Quad SPI (support Dual mode), USART, PCM
ADC, I2C, I2S, GPIO, Timers
Bluetooth v4.2 with integrated Class 1 PA
Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, Bluetooth, Bluetooth 4.1 (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Bluetooth v4.2 LE Secure Connection via the Cypress BSA stack.
Product Documentation
ISM4343-WBM-L151 Functional Specs
Technical Resources
Layout with Antenna Guidelines AN20117
Reference Schematic
Orcad Symbol
IWIN AT Command Resources
IWIN- AT Command Documentation
IWIN- AT Command Support Site
IWIN – AT Command Set User Manual
IWIN – AT Command Quick Reference Guide
IWIN AT Command Firmware Binary Files
IWIN AT Command Firmware Upgrade Options
IWN AT Commands Over the Air Updates
JTAG Firmware Update Note
Cypress WICED SDK Patch
Software Scripts Examples
TCP/UDP DEmo Script (Python)
TCP Server Multi Accept Demo (Python)
HTTPs TCP File Download for OTA
Raspberry Pi SPI Clent (C)
Amazon AWS MQTT Demo
HTTP Get Request (Teraterm Macro )
Android ApplicationTCP Client & Server
AT Command Set Quick Start Guide
IWIN (AT Command Set: PC Demo software)
TCP Client Demo (Python)
IOT MCU Software Reference Designs
The projects below can be run on any of the Inventek eS-WiFi modules with minor modifications.
Cypress PSOC4 : Project with ISMART shield plugged on top of the PSOC 4 EVB
Inventek Shield: Project with ISMART shield connecting to iMatrix IoT Cloud
AWS STM32L4 Discovery IoT EVB: Project connecting to Amazon AWS IoT Core
Azure STM32L4 Discovery IoT EVB: Project connecting to Microsoft AZURE IoT Core
Google STM32L4 Discovery IoT EVB: Project connecting to Google IoT Cloud
IBM STM32L4 Discovery IoT EVB: Project connecting to IBM Watson
AWS Free RTOS STM32L4 Discovery EVB: Project connecting to Amazon RTOS
ST Micro Nucleo : Project communicating to the Inventek Shield over UART
Analog Device ADICUP360 : Project connecting Toxic gas to PTC cloud
IWIN AT Command Embedded Talk Video’s
Serial to Wi-Fi Product Overview & AT Command Set (Part 1, 2)
SoftAp Overview
802.11 b/g/n Serial to Wi-Fi Product Overview (Part 1)
802.11 b/g/n Serial to Wi-Fi AT Command Set Tutorial (Part 2)
Evaluation Board Options:
Part number: ISM4343-WBM-L151-EVB or ISMART4343-C Shield.

IWIN EVB Firmware Upgrades Video
EMC Grants
ISM4343 FCC Part 15.247
ISM4343WiFi.EN300 328
ISM4343x.EN 300 328 BT
ISM4343x.EN 300 328 BLE
Buy Online from Our Valued Distributors
Buy ISM4343-MBM-L151 from DigiKey
Buy ISM4343-WBM-L151 from Mouser
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