Tag: Sirf III
Does your GPS support sub meter accuracy?
No, we do not support sub-meter accuracy.
How do you summarize acquisition sensitivity?
Acquisition sensitivity can be summarized in two conditions: ephemeris available from any source, or ephemeris must be obtained from the satellite data stream. For conditions where ephemeris is available, we can acquire a satellite down to about -155 dBm. When we must decode … Continue reading “How do you summarize acquisition sensitivity?”
How does your GPS output the 1 PPS?
For the ISM300x and ISM420 GPS, we output the 1 PPS as follows: The first output starts when we the GPS Kalman filter gets a stellite fix. Thereafter, the 1 PPS continues to be output until the receiver is reset. If we … Continue reading “How does your GPS output the 1 PPS?”
Can the GPS be flashed in System?
Yes, the ISM300x and the ISM480x family of GPS can be flashed in system. You need to control the flash enable pin and you can upgrade teh flash through the UART.
What does the GPS firmware do with the acceleration / speed at high altitude build for us to 135k feet?
The high-altitude change was simply setting the upper limits on a solution from the Kalman filter. It had no effect on how we report altitude or speed or how we handle acceleration. Therefore, with such a build we still make … Continue reading “What does the GPS firmware do with the acceleration / speed at high altitude build for us to 135k feet?”
Enhanced Navigation Performance SiRF III GPS module
Inventek Systems ISM300F1-C3 and ISM300F1-C4 product launch The Inventek ISM300x is a 20-channel Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver module (C4 is SBAS enabled) offered in an extremely compact Surface Mount Device (SMD) module form factor The module provides high sensitivity, … Continue reading “Enhanced Navigation Performance SiRF III GPS module”